Gift certificates and promotional coupons can play an important role in your marketing strategy by drawing new and repeat customers to your business. 礼品证书和促销赠券可以为您的企业吸引新客户并留住老客户,因此在营销策略中具有重要作用。
For more information, see add tracking numbers to gift certificates or coupons. 有关详细信息,请参阅向礼品证书或赠券添加跟踪号码。
Are regular and surprise stock counts performed on the gift coupons with independent witnesses? 有否在独立人员监察下定期及突击核查礼券存货?
As I prepare to pay the bill, Fu Ying opens her bag and presents me with a small gift: three tiny, out-of-circulation food coupons from Inner Mongolia, once preserved by her mother. 在我准备买单时,傅莹打开手袋,送给我一份小礼物:她母亲保存下来的三张已停止流通的内蒙古粮票。
When gift certificates or coupons are redeemed, you can use these tracking numbers to record and categorize customer responses. 兑现礼品证书或赠券时,您可以使用这些跟踪号码记录客户响应并对其进行归类。